i planned the holiday 3 weeks back... i even applied for a leave.i really need to go a short vacation... need to runaway from commonenvironment. bukit mahkota - bangi - ampang - klang... tp ezwan x boleh amek cuti pulak pasal on friday ade meeting ngan perodua.since he is the one who take care of the project so.. x blay nk escape la.. MaulidurRasul punyer cuti pon kitorang just lepak ktklang jerk sbb the day before ezwan got high fever.. smpaikan my PIL terpakse dtg dr klang utk bawak die p klinik pasal i pulak terlambat utk attend daily meeting ..
so ... journey kitorang start pagi sabtu... bgn siap2 dlm 930 bertolak laa dari rumah.. mmg nk breakfast kat highway so i x preparebreakfast pon.. eheh.. berhenti dekat R&R Seremban and had a roti canai... then we continue our journey to A Famosa Resort.actually x plan nk tido pon tp i just brought extra clothes for us.utk anak2 of course pegi memane pon mesti bawak baju extra evenpegi alamanda ke giant ke SEKEJAP... always expect the unexpectable thing okay!!
sampai kat A Famosa Resort dalam 11 lebih so terus pegi mandi2. memuleezwan nak beli tiket utk safari sekali tp tgk cam mendung jerk so... xper la kiter tgk keadaan camne dulu...kat sane jugak first time iffah n arifftgk real elephant.. derang mmg keep on staring jerk kat elephant tuh.... biler dah siap ngan swimmingsuit sume.. waaaaaaa main air bestnyer... memule bawak derang kat pool yg ade wave.. derang berdue bising jerk.. mama ngan abah jerk yg excitedsklai tuh mama n abah bawak pegi kat kid's pool.. haaa kat sanebaru nampak derang enjoy... baru la mama n abah realized yg mama n abah utamakan kitoarang punyer enjoy dulu pulak..sampai sane kids pool pon best jugak.. mama n abah pon naik turun slide sume..mmg laaa air die cetek.. tp puas sbb baby lion n baby bear nmpak enjoy.. then abah pegi explore kat tpt2 laen sementare mama jage le budak2 nih thg enjoywith their own way... x lame lps tuh nampak mcm nk hujan sgt so kitorang start tuka2 baju sume.. slumber jer kat dlam tpt changing cloth tuh ade minah cine sorang nih mandi naked btul2 dpn mate.. bia btul minah nih.. i buat x nampak jerk laaa.. lpssalin2 baju kitorang mkn lunch...
pastue terus klua dari A Famosasince hari pon dah hujan..mama n abah decided to headed to Banda Hilirbestnyer... baby lion n baby bear tido sepanjang jln tuh... mama n abah pondengan senang hatinyer.. bercerite mcm2.. gosip2... penat budak2 tuhmaen air.. sejak lps kawen byk2 tpt yg kitorrang pegi melake ygpaling kitorang suke.. maybe both of us sensitif ngan history lg2 pasalbangsa Melayu.. kan Melaka punye slogan "Melawat Melaka bererti MelawatMalaysia" x sialp gue laa.. eheheh plannyer nk jln2 kat Jonker Streetnk tgk bende2 yg best blay laa rembat ape2 berkenan tp terpakselaaa melupakan hasrat di hati since hujan renyai2.. x best plak nkbawak anak jln2 cuace camnie.. so lps pusing2 Bandar Hilir we headed back toBangi... x jadi pon nk tido Melake..on the way back after we had dinner atRestoran Jejantas Ayer keroh then i noticed my purse was not with me..mmg menggelabah le sekejap tp dah carik2 tunggang langgang satu ketemmg xde.. confirm cicir kat tgh jalan... i x bape risau sgt sbb dalam tuh ade mykid baby bear and baby lion je.. so x byk le nk settle sgt.. so lucky all myimportant doc ade kat ezwan. camane ntah jadik camtue.. then terus kan jer laperjalanan blk biler smapai kat exit Tampin i changed my mind to try carik my purse.so.. ok laaaa bebdak nih br jerk jln x lame dah tido so sennag le kitorang sket... seingatnyer kitorang berhenti kat 2 tpt jerk petrol pump and masjid katBanda Hilir. Dah patah balik pon still xde.. so i pon pasrah laa..maleh nk tido melake.. biler masuk plus highway mase tuh dalam pukul 11 lebey.. mmg mate tak blay tahan.. singgah first RnR Alhamdulillah ade Plus Hotel...so ezwan decided not to continue the journeeeeeey.. he really need sleepn rest... so ok laaa...pg esok br blk..
On Monday our ex-schoolmate called ezwan and said someone found my purse at surau Ayer Keroh.... then we have to called her what time and when to collect thepurse... Alhamdulillah... after office hour we straight away went to meet tashaat KL to collect my purse... Tuhan temukan kitorang dgn orang jujur... here i wantsay a million thank you to tasha and hib bf (maybe) hamzan for keeping my purse to return back to me...
p/s:nak tau x.. kitorang terlupe bawak kamera pegi sane.. so xde laaa pic utk disharekan.. :)