24 April 2008

Oreo Brownies

Last night, ezwan want me to layan anak sbb die nk cocentrate buat assignment n nak ade test lagik weekend nih. So die agak bz laa.. Usually i will take my children to Giant Nilai to play at the Kid's Play Area kat sane. Tapi semalam i decided to bake with them. After office hour, i went to Yummy Bakery before fetch them. I was so excited there with all the baking stuff... rase cam nak buat semua .. nak beli semua... ahaaa... bestnyer bau kedai tuh pon best.. jakunnyer laaa aku ni..
Lepas siap2kan Iffah n Ariff, dinner, mengaji, then we start our project. Since my home only have 3 rooms so we used the back room as baking area. Iffah n Ariff was so excited playing with the baking stuff, with measure cup, mixer bowl, my mixer!!!, ergh.. bebdak nih.. xpe la derang excited kan.. so i clean all the container first .. Iffah helped me on that.. pass the tissue jerk laaa.. eheh.. actually i have oven since last year tapi nak buat kek mmg la xde. ade la skali mase nak raye thn lepas.. lps2 tuh just gune utk kalo teringin makan grill ke.. ok back to the story...
last night first time laaa i cairkan cooking chocolate tu, gune kertas lapik utk bakar kek biar x lekat kat baking tray.. or baking container?? gune proper measuring cup.. before nih yang buat skali tuh pakai jerk mane2 tea cup .. ehehe.. i start to bake from around 930 and ended at 1045 and another 30 minutes utk masak kat oven.
the result is... my oreo brownies overbaked and luar die jadi macam ala2 biskut.. tp dalam die x keras pon. ke ade sbb laen ek.. rase dah ok tp tu laa die keras sket.. so mlm nih ezwan suruh i buat lagi try sampai jadi.
p/s: the brownies pic later ek?