ALHAMDULILLAH.... Ariff discaj on SUnday evening.. at last! tapi pagi td dlm pukul 6 am we have to go to ANSH to get last jab antibiotic for Ariff.. Sian sgt kat ariff... die nmpakm mcm trauma n x comfortable dok kat ward.. asik laa nk ajak klua dari bilik.. lebih2 pon i ajak p tgk babies kat level 2.. bile naek blk level 3 n nk blk bilik die dah cranky manky dah.. So this is how the story started...
Wednesday nite
Ariff mg batuk teruk sgt mlm tu.. even dh bg ventolin 4 hourly and 1 puff seretide as per instructed. coughing die dgr takut dgt smpaikan tiap kali die batuk sampai die duduk sendiri n muke merajnyer nampak mstrugle sgt nak keluarkan batuk tuh... at that nite.. we all tido kat ruang tamu je.. I mmg x blay tido mlm tu dah Ariff camtue x kan la mama die boleh tido lena kan?
Thursday - Day 1
Early morning me n ezwan decided to go to another paed for second opinion.. hello.. Ariff dah 3 times warded .. coughing.. whizzing. sufering still there.. the treatment remains same... regular nebulizer. So ther ewe went to ANSH and met Dr Ar. Shes very informative, friendly, and approachable. I am quite comfortable with her. SHe also wondering why Ariff is still not recover even segale bende requirement and pca utk athma symptom was applied on him. So she wants to go for an x-ray and physiotheraphy session. Thank GOD. at least we got another alternative and way out of Ariff problem. So, we went home and do the packing out stuff cos yes.. Ariff need to be admitted so it can be easier for Dr Ar to monitor his condition and progress and what action to take. For today, Ariff treated by regular nebulizer 3 hourly (combivent, ventolin, seretide.. aku maen hentam je spelling die ahahah) and antibiotic jab. For this time me only taking half day and ezwan settle everything at hospital. Iffah sent to taska by Abah. petang i balik keje n amek Iffah.. Tq dz pasla tolong amikkan hantar aku amik Iffah kat taska and hantakn kat hospital. :)
Friday - Day 2
Again i have to take half day while waiting for my mum to come to take care of Iffah n Ariff. Bile mak datang je dlm lps Friday prayer i p keje. Ok jugak dah jumpe doc n she arrange for physiotheraphy session on 5pm. kat office when i told some of my colleague that my son will be go thru physiotherapy session they were sHaring with me their experience on that. Got one brother advice me to not to be with Ariff during the procedure and just let ezwan in. okay.. now i got a negative mind setting.. so ptg i blk keje awal but and accompany Ariff for the physiotheraphy session.. but today is only the introduction.. the physiotherapist brief me with all the procedure... what is the purpose... how it will work... and when it comes to the worst situation they need to suck out the kahak using small. soft material tube... die ajar macamne nak tepuk chest.. the purpose is to shake the chest so that kahak yang stuked dkat salur2 udara kt lung tu akan pecah n pergi ke main tube .... it is good bile lps tepuk2 dada tu anak akan batuk yang berair.. the watery cough is what they want. when the baby cough, dia akan telan kahak t akan pergi ke perut and will be flushed out naturally. Otherwise kalau x blay jugak tu yang kene sedut kahak jugak tu.. Malam tu.. doc came and examine Ariff and she said Ariff is getting better but the coughing is still there but dah kkurang byk dah.. tido mlm pon ok dah.. But doc need to confirm his condition tomorrow morning whether he is really ok and stabil or not.. tonite..same jugak keadaan kitorang ber3 atas katil n ezwan kat sofa.. heh
Saturday - Day 3
Pagi nih Ariff teruk jugak coughing die.. mmg i risau n expected doc akan thn lagi. Doc dtg n she confirmed Ariff condition is a bit flactuate.. not stabil.. so again she want to go for an x-ray and sedut kahak treatment. unlike yesterday Dr Ar said Ariff no need to go thru x-ray when he is getting well and showing positive progress.. the x-ray session sekejap je.. my mum yg temankan sbb me pregie lady x blay dok kat bilik tuh kan... i n Iffah tgk dari luar je.. Ezwan balik rumah utk settle2kan ape yg patut n amik baju lagi... petang tu sedut kahak treatment plak i tggu ezwan datang baru i nk p bawak Ariff. I mmg rase takut.. x stonr gutk go thru treatment.. dgn all the experience yg i dgr buat i jadik x kuat.. bile ezwan dah dtg baru kitorang turun tuk buat treatment tuh.. serius laa..time tuh mmg i rase macam2.. sume bende mixed up.. takut... xnak tgk.. nak teman ariff... nk kene kuat sume laa ade.. at first.. i duduk je kat sofa tgk ezwan pegang Ariff.. diorang bedung ariff so die x struggle kuat sgt.. sennag la nk masukkan tube tu thru hidung or mulut... ezwan mintak i pegang kaki Ariff.. so i pegang.. Ariff mmg dah start menanges dari mase masuk bilik treatment lagi... so i ignore jer yg die manenges tu... the moment i pegang kaki Ariff and the herapist masukkan tube... suprisingly i blay tgk ngan mate i sendiri procedure die.. time tuh mmg i rase nk tolong Ariff.. for him to get well... i will do anything my dear.. i blay tgk dgn heartless.. no tears.. in my mind mmg ape i buat nih utk tolong Ariff.. hilang sume bende2 negative mind setting tu.. Alhamdulillah... the treatment took about half an hour... lps tu.. i terus peluk Ariff.. peluk kuat2.. erat2 sgt n telling him mama ade sini sayang... n Ariff pon diam n biase la hisap 2 jari die tuh.. mate die bengkak pasal menanges.. first time tgk mate die menanges sampai bengkak2 mate.. mase sedut kahak tuh Ariff x berape struggle mmg sennag jugak Ariff ni.. sementare tuh kat wad emak... abah.. cikyah.. usu anak beranak lepak kat wad.. kitorang sempat laa bergosip.. update ape2 bende yg patut.. lame x junmpe usu n cikyah... Congratulation Amir my cousin sbb menang gangsa utk selangor in Fencing game.. wah.. wah.. bdak nih talented rupenyer.. keep up the good work Amir.. Kak Tini one of my closest friend kat Absec pon datang satu family. Tq kak tini. mlm tu.. ezwan nye meber Sarepp n the family pon datang.. Ariff suke sgt ngan Shauki siap tepuk2 org tuh ajak maen..haaa malam ni kitorang tido berempat sau katil single.. blay imagine x.. die x larat nk tido duduk dah.. pape je la bang asalkan blay tido...
Sunday - Day 4
pagi2 doc dah dtg n cek Ariff n said hes showing positive progress and can be discharged by today. Alhamdulillah.. abes weeknd kitorang kat spital je.. xpe la kan Ariff kan?but Ariff need to go thru another sedut kahak treatment.. dis time, Ezwan je yg teman sbb i kene jage Iffah.. turun jugak kat bilik treatment tu tp dok kat luar je ngan Iffah.. kang mane nk pegang Ariff lagi n tgk Iffah yg amat laaa suke pegang2 n usik2 bende2... lps abes je.. i terus peluk Ariff kuat2... lps tuh kitorang lunch same2 kat bilik.. Ariff ni even x sehat selra mkn die ttp same... kakaknyer plak mmg suke pilih2 mkn.. kekdg dah xde yg die suke lauk.. nasik n kicap pon jadik.. bile dah settle bill sume kitorang p taska derang dulu utk ckp ariff cuti dr pegi taska buat sementare waktu utk extra care.. we decided Ariff need to stay at anyone of umah nenek utk die betul2 ok.. so esok pagi lps amik last antibiotic jab ezwan will send Ariff to Klang..
So.. itu laaa cite pasal Ariff warded kat ANSH. I and ezwan as well didnt blame Dr Nik at AZIM for what was happen to Ariff ... maybe the experience.. Dr Ar seems like more senior than Dr Nik.. but i do like both of the paed. in the matter of service.. i prefer AZIM rather than ANSH personally..
Iffah pulak.. lately nih kan attention byk kt Ariff even i slalu struggle utk layan same rate.. kalo 2-2 byk keje.. 2-2 kene marah.. 2-2 kene pukul tgn... tp itu anggapan kiter but maybe Iffah rase die mcm kurang attention mmg sejak kat Ariff warded kat ANSH nih mmg lagi byk sgt keje die... bile dah blk rumah lps discharge tu lagi laaa.. Ya Allah.. Tuhan je yang tahu.. naseb baik laaa i pk lebih sket.. maybe Ifah mcmnie psal nk attention... okay.. i talked to ezwan about this and we tackle of the the mcm2 bende die buat wisel. me n ezwan just "kakak.. nape buat camtu sayang" "ok ifah nk camne" instead of terjah marah2... poor Iffah.. so arnih kan iffah jadik anak sorang n yesss she better and well behave than yesterday.. so x silap laaa i punyer jugdement tuh... tp i mmg x blay nak call mak kat klang utk tny pasal Ariff.. baru mintak Ezwan call pon i dah menanges.. mak kate Ariff ok.. behave.. xde batuk2 sume...
From now on.. we all satu family were banned from any fried food.. processsed food, cold ice water/food, keropok2... at one time mmg kitorang dah setkan our kids mmg x blay mkn junk food sume tp my we were toooo nampak cam lebih kot sampaikan ade yg x senang.. nnt derang mkn jugak laaa.. ape laa .. so nk buat camne.. bile time ade bende2 dilarang tu ABC / junk food terpakse diam n biarkan aje walaupon laaa hati nih meronta2.. bile Ariff dah jadi camnie.. mmg yg susah kitorang tp ot another view elok jugak.. lps nih mmg i strictly anak2 i x blay mkn bende2 yg mmg i n ezwan dah halang dr awal... sesekali?? can be consider tp kalau tiap2 kali pon sesekali ape kes bang? ehehe..
Wednesday nite
Ariff mg batuk teruk sgt mlm tu.. even dh bg ventolin 4 hourly and 1 puff seretide as per instructed. coughing die dgr takut dgt smpaikan tiap kali die batuk sampai die duduk sendiri n muke merajnyer nampak mstrugle sgt nak keluarkan batuk tuh... at that nite.. we all tido kat ruang tamu je.. I mmg x blay tido mlm tu dah Ariff camtue x kan la mama die boleh tido lena kan?
Thursday - Day 1
Early morning me n ezwan decided to go to another paed for second opinion.. hello.. Ariff dah 3 times warded .. coughing.. whizzing. sufering still there.. the treatment remains same... regular nebulizer. So ther ewe went to ANSH and met Dr Ar. Shes very informative, friendly, and approachable. I am quite comfortable with her. SHe also wondering why Ariff is still not recover even segale bende requirement and pca utk athma symptom was applied on him. So she wants to go for an x-ray and physiotheraphy session. Thank GOD. at least we got another alternative and way out of Ariff problem. So, we went home and do the packing out stuff cos yes.. Ariff need to be admitted so it can be easier for Dr Ar to monitor his condition and progress and what action to take. For today, Ariff treated by regular nebulizer 3 hourly (combivent, ventolin, seretide.. aku maen hentam je spelling die ahahah) and antibiotic jab. For this time me only taking half day and ezwan settle everything at hospital. Iffah sent to taska by Abah. petang i balik keje n amek Iffah.. Tq dz pasla tolong amikkan hantar aku amik Iffah kat taska and hantakn kat hospital. :)
Friday - Day 2
Again i have to take half day while waiting for my mum to come to take care of Iffah n Ariff. Bile mak datang je dlm lps Friday prayer i p keje. Ok jugak dah jumpe doc n she arrange for physiotheraphy session on 5pm. kat office when i told some of my colleague that my son will be go thru physiotherapy session they were sHaring with me their experience on that. Got one brother advice me to not to be with Ariff during the procedure and just let ezwan in. okay.. now i got a negative mind setting.. so ptg i blk keje awal but and accompany Ariff for the physiotheraphy session.. but today is only the introduction.. the physiotherapist brief me with all the procedure... what is the purpose... how it will work... and when it comes to the worst situation they need to suck out the kahak using small. soft material tube... die ajar macamne nak tepuk chest.. the purpose is to shake the chest so that kahak yang stuked dkat salur2 udara kt lung tu akan pecah n pergi ke main tube .... it is good bile lps tepuk2 dada tu anak akan batuk yang berair.. the watery cough is what they want. when the baby cough, dia akan telan kahak t akan pergi ke perut and will be flushed out naturally. Otherwise kalau x blay jugak tu yang kene sedut kahak jugak tu.. Malam tu.. doc came and examine Ariff and she said Ariff is getting better but the coughing is still there but dah kkurang byk dah.. tido mlm pon ok dah.. But doc need to confirm his condition tomorrow morning whether he is really ok and stabil or not.. tonite..same jugak keadaan kitorang ber3 atas katil n ezwan kat sofa.. heh
Saturday - Day 3
Pagi nih Ariff teruk jugak coughing die.. mmg i risau n expected doc akan thn lagi. Doc dtg n she confirmed Ariff condition is a bit flactuate.. not stabil.. so again she want to go for an x-ray and sedut kahak treatment. unlike yesterday Dr Ar said Ariff no need to go thru x-ray when he is getting well and showing positive progress.. the x-ray session sekejap je.. my mum yg temankan sbb me pregie lady x blay dok kat bilik tuh kan... i n Iffah tgk dari luar je.. Ezwan balik rumah utk settle2kan ape yg patut n amik baju lagi... petang tu sedut kahak treatment plak i tggu ezwan datang baru i nk p bawak Ariff. I mmg rase takut.. x stonr gutk go thru treatment.. dgn all the experience yg i dgr buat i jadik x kuat.. bile ezwan dah dtg baru kitorang turun tuk buat treatment tuh.. serius laa..time tuh mmg i rase macam2.. sume bende mixed up.. takut... xnak tgk.. nak teman ariff... nk kene kuat sume laa ade.. at first.. i duduk je kat sofa tgk ezwan pegang Ariff.. diorang bedung ariff so die x struggle kuat sgt.. sennag la nk masukkan tube tu thru hidung or mulut... ezwan mintak i pegang kaki Ariff.. so i pegang.. Ariff mmg dah start menanges dari mase masuk bilik treatment lagi... so i ignore jer yg die manenges tu... the moment i pegang kaki Ariff and the herapist masukkan tube... suprisingly i blay tgk ngan mate i sendiri procedure die.. time tuh mmg i rase nk tolong Ariff.. for him to get well... i will do anything my dear.. i blay tgk dgn heartless.. no tears.. in my mind mmg ape i buat nih utk tolong Ariff.. hilang sume bende2 negative mind setting tu.. Alhamdulillah... the treatment took about half an hour... lps tu.. i terus peluk Ariff.. peluk kuat2.. erat2 sgt n telling him mama ade sini sayang... n Ariff pon diam n biase la hisap 2 jari die tuh.. mate die bengkak pasal menanges.. first time tgk mate die menanges sampai bengkak2 mate.. mase sedut kahak tuh Ariff x berape struggle mmg sennag jugak Ariff ni.. sementare tuh kat wad emak... abah.. cikyah.. usu anak beranak lepak kat wad.. kitorang sempat laa bergosip.. update ape2 bende yg patut.. lame x junmpe usu n cikyah... Congratulation Amir my cousin sbb menang gangsa utk selangor in Fencing game.. wah.. wah.. bdak nih talented rupenyer.. keep up the good work Amir.. Kak Tini one of my closest friend kat Absec pon datang satu family. Tq kak tini. mlm tu.. ezwan nye meber Sarepp n the family pon datang.. Ariff suke sgt ngan Shauki siap tepuk2 org tuh ajak maen..haaa malam ni kitorang tido berempat sau katil single.. blay imagine x.. die x larat nk tido duduk dah.. pape je la bang asalkan blay tido...
Sunday - Day 4
pagi2 doc dah dtg n cek Ariff n said hes showing positive progress and can be discharged by today. Alhamdulillah.. abes weeknd kitorang kat spital je.. xpe la kan Ariff kan?but Ariff need to go thru another sedut kahak treatment.. dis time, Ezwan je yg teman sbb i kene jage Iffah.. turun jugak kat bilik treatment tu tp dok kat luar je ngan Iffah.. kang mane nk pegang Ariff lagi n tgk Iffah yg amat laaa suke pegang2 n usik2 bende2... lps abes je.. i terus peluk Ariff kuat2... lps tuh kitorang lunch same2 kat bilik.. Ariff ni even x sehat selra mkn die ttp same... kakaknyer plak mmg suke pilih2 mkn.. kekdg dah xde yg die suke lauk.. nasik n kicap pon jadik.. bile dah settle bill sume kitorang p taska derang dulu utk ckp ariff cuti dr pegi taska buat sementare waktu utk extra care.. we decided Ariff need to stay at anyone of umah nenek utk die betul2 ok.. so esok pagi lps amik last antibiotic jab ezwan will send Ariff to Klang..
So.. itu laaa cite pasal Ariff warded kat ANSH. I and ezwan as well didnt blame Dr Nik at AZIM for what was happen to Ariff ... maybe the experience.. Dr Ar seems like more senior than Dr Nik.. but i do like both of the paed. in the matter of service.. i prefer AZIM rather than ANSH personally..
Iffah pulak.. lately nih kan attention byk kt Ariff even i slalu struggle utk layan same rate.. kalo 2-2 byk keje.. 2-2 kene marah.. 2-2 kene pukul tgn... tp itu anggapan kiter but maybe Iffah rase die mcm kurang attention mmg sejak kat Ariff warded kat ANSH nih mmg lagi byk sgt keje die... bile dah blk rumah lps discharge tu lagi laaa.. Ya Allah.. Tuhan je yang tahu.. naseb baik laaa i pk lebih sket.. maybe Ifah mcmnie psal nk attention... okay.. i talked to ezwan about this and we tackle of the the mcm2 bende die buat wisel. me n ezwan just "kakak.. nape buat camtu sayang" "ok ifah nk camne" instead of terjah marah2... poor Iffah.. so arnih kan iffah jadik anak sorang n yesss she better and well behave than yesterday.. so x silap laaa i punyer jugdement tuh... tp i mmg x blay nak call mak kat klang utk tny pasal Ariff.. baru mintak Ezwan call pon i dah menanges.. mak kate Ariff ok.. behave.. xde batuk2 sume...
From now on.. we all satu family were banned from any fried food.. processsed food, cold ice water/food, keropok2... at one time mmg kitorang dah setkan our kids mmg x blay mkn junk food sume tp my we were toooo nampak cam lebih kot sampaikan ade yg x senang.. nnt derang mkn jugak laaa.. ape laa .. so nk buat camne.. bile time ade bende2 dilarang tu ABC / junk food terpakse diam n biarkan aje walaupon laaa hati nih meronta2.. bile Ariff dah jadi camnie.. mmg yg susah kitorang tp ot another view elok jugak.. lps nih mmg i strictly anak2 i x blay mkn bende2 yg mmg i n ezwan dah halang dr awal... sesekali?? can be consider tp kalau tiap2 kali pon sesekali ape kes bang? ehehe..