03 June 2008

Ariff Warded... again ;(

Hi.. Ariff warded last nite due to athma. Actually hes warded about a week ago n we came back last nite to make follow up But... unfortunately.. Dr Nik admitted him since his breathing is still not smooth.. the whizzing (camnie ke eja die) still there... Siannye Ariff... penatnyer rase bile doc soh Ariff admitted mlm tadi.. bile smpi kat atas pon all the nurses tuh.. eh masuk balik.. baru keluar arituh kan?? iyer.. hari tu tuh last last Friday... Compared to last admitted... this time Arifff is less critical but still have to go on regular nebulizer.. every 3 hours.. Yang last admitted punyer pon mama still x post lagi... nih kene admit lagi... Ok dear all .. please pray for Ariff... To Ariff Mama, Abah, and Kakak Iffah always be with you... Bear in your mind that you are not alone.. Special credited to family.. mak abah sbb susah payah datang hospital datang jagekan bebudak ni kat wad sementare kitorang pegi keje. Stay tuned..