Pagi2 ni mmg kitorang dah plan nk p AZIM sbb i rase baby x gerak sepjg malam.. so decided to go for CTG. eleh bkn pepgi sgt pon.. lps subuh.. kiotrang laki bini p bantai smbg tido.. waaaa nikmatnyer laa katil.. lps siap2 kan anak2 sume anta derang p taska n straight away p AZIM buat CTg scan.. result ; mild contraction.. baby movement ermm ok la jugak... n i dilated already tp sket sgt lagi.. so we decided to wait for Dr fazlina at 2.00 pm..
Jumpe Dr Fazlina.. die cek.. mmg dah dilate.. n air ketuban ok plak bacaan die 10 compared to last monday 7 (on the border). so Dr Fazlina.. bagi i Fetal Movement chart i blay monitor lagik closely pasal baby punyer movement. actually since last week lagi dah start rase contraction tp dis week mmg x larat btul.. tadi pon dah rase lagi.. n dis time i dah engat camne rase contraction mase deliver si Baby Bear dulu.. kalo condition sume ok tp baby x aktif Dr wants to go for induce.. erkk.. takut laaa nk induce.. tggu jerk saket tuh datang bule dah kene induce kan.. so i asked her y dont kite tunggu natural nyer contraction datang (x nak induce laa tue..) she said ok but the fetal movement must be 10 kicks within 12 hrs.. ok..
Another thing yg Dr Faz mention is psal mother's instint.. i did talked to ezwan i dont know wether is it my instinct reaction to body or what but yesss im started to feeel like something.. rase cam baby nih xde laa aktif sgt.. n i mmg saket.. maybe die nk sedapkan hati i die kate i mmg cpt terpengaruh.. always let my condition control my thinking.. erm.. y dont u just admit the mother's instinct? heh.. thats y bile Dr Fazlina mentioned about her decision also considering mother's instinct i felt like ive won !!! yeay.. one more thing kite org pompuan pon ade wifey's instinct.. once hubby akad nikah Allah dah kasik mcm2 sensor kat pompuan nih..
Name anak pon x decide lagi nih... Iffah.. Muhammad Ariff.. ??? any idea?