20 November 2008

rahsie Gue dah terbongkar

tgk kat bawah ni..

i booked here specially for  our 4th anniversary. I did mentioned Ezwan that the next weekend we will go somewhere but I did not tell him where is the  destination. Everything goes so smooth. My online reservation was successfull and i manage to get credit card number for them to reserve the room (*i dont have any credit card ye. only Ezwan je yang ade) I used my forend's credit card. Credit to Zana.. I tell you, this is the place that i really wanted to go since the first time it has been launched. Plus, the promotional rate is until end of this year. I am so happy n excited. Asik senyum2 je sorang.

Out of blue, Ezwan said he has been last minute assigned for outstation. and he didnt when he will back but it is scheduled only for 4 days. But he seems like not sure because Ingr*ess suke2 je kalo nk soh org extend. I am so menggelabah bile die bgtau mase blk2 keje tu. So, I have to reveal my secret plan. ahahahha.. bengang gile lah. I xtau nk ckp camne lagi nih.

Haruskah dicancel booking tu or gamble je mane tau die betul2 pegi 4 hari je n manage to be here on time? Pening.. pening... what say u?