24 March 2009

PD trip

We spent our precious time at PD last weekend. All together there were 7 families in this trip and they are Ezwan officemate. I dont have any problem in mixing with other people, new friend, also new environment as I did it for the sake of Ezwan's friendship. We enjoyed knowing each other... exchanging experience.. sharing tips somemore.. observing other's approach on facing kid's manner..but whatever it is we as a parent want to do the best for our kids right?

Started on Saturday. Ezwan and one of his friend went out to pasar to buy some fish and seafood for the bbq's nite while me make sure all those 3 lil kids get prepared + packing (br nk packing barang hokay??) + prepare for breakfast.. wooossshhh. 10.30 am gather at meeting point and all the papas did some final checklist before headed to PD. We all the mamas gossiping, catching up new stories, rase2 dukung anak orang bagai, minum2 sikit.. and pushed off. We decided to enjoy drive using normal way without toll. Nilai >> Labu >> Lukut >> PD. 4 families je yang konvoi while the rest ade yang dah sampai PD and ade yang dtg lambat. Each car being provided with walkie talkie for easy communication. rase mcm cool aje.. sepanjang jln mengusik each other. watak utama mestilah all the papas kitorang mamas gang ni gelak je smbil bagi2 idea.. Iffah , Ariff n Izzah memule gelak2 cam jakun ngan walkie talkie tu last2 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

sampai PD, makan sembahyang and check in. we rent double storeys bungalow with 7 rooms. each family dpt laa bilik maseng2.. 5 families dok upstairs which are yang beranak pinak segale while 2 bilik downstairs utk 2 family yang xde anak and pregnant wifey dgn alasan senang nk anta p spital ke klinik ke memlmx payah turun2 tangge.. padahal kt bawah xde tv .. eheheh .. dah smpi.. papas gang hangkut2 barang masuk bilik segale and lepak kat dapur ang kitorang mamas gang lepak dpn tv sambung borak2... bahagie ok?? anak2 they mixed up very well and berlari sane sini... papas gang yang lepak dapur siap goreng keropok utk teatime..

ptg dlm pukul 6 pegi mandi kat Tg Biru.. mmg pilih nk mandi kat situ since kitorang ramai bebdak and ombak x kuat kat situ.. all the kids enjoy habis including Izzah ok?? I just let her crawling and even lie down on the sand.. ngehngeh.. nite bbq time.. byk gile food .. seafood (prawn and squid which mixed well with mayo + mustard mmg sedap gilllller ok?).. ayam.. daging.. the bungalow got complete basic kichen staff, kitchen utensils, gas stove, gas, segale laaa tapis, besen rice cooker.. we just bring the food. but to be safe we bring ours too .. I bawak kuali and sudip.. some brought rice cookers, thermal pot, etc. lps bbq we went to PD's bazaar sort of downtown bazar in KL.. penat ..

the next day, while my cuties were sleeping me and one of the mama prepared for breakfast. tp paham2 je laa kalo ade anak2 kecik nih u just cannot expect they will stay until the meals are ready.. i did understand that very well.. me too.. tgh2 masak ade la anak ni nak itu.. anak itu nk ini.. yg paling bingit skali Izzah laaa die bgn tido n mama xde mmg meraung laaa jawabnye.. we relief each other.. lps breakfast we decided to finish all the food during lunch and again mamas gang struggled in the kitchen preparing lunch with limited ingredients pakai ape yang ade.. so jadi laa kangkung belacan udang, salad with mayo, ayam masak kicap, sambal bawang cili api(yg spatutnye mkn ngan ikan goreng tp x sempat goreng ikan sume bawak balik sikit) , telur dadar, ikan patin steam, and air sirap. lps lunch siap2 n checked out.

Overall, i / we enjoyed this xtvt. i think the main reason is respect and tolerate and we speak at the same 'language' and level and thats why this trip was ROCK y'all !!! i'm aiming for the next xtvt with all of u guys...