It has been 8 month since Izzah was born and I dont even find any 'manje' name for her.
If Iffah aka Baby Lion because she will roarrr when I said " Iffah.. lion camne??" x pon while playing she will pretending to be a lion with roaring......
If Ariff aka Baby Bear because he is huggable and adorable as bear.. eheheh.. in fact he is teddy bear lover too... sometimes when his excited time has come.. he will be so rough.. slapping, punching, kicking, stepping.. owhhhh so notti laaaaaaa
And Izzah will be my Baby Kangoo (kangaroo) as she always wanted me to hold her.. She will scream out loud.. even I went to toilet, while Im cooking, be in room after shower... erghhhh.. she will automatically mute by the time I hold her up even a second before she cried out of her lung... pandai ek budak nih...
So.. finally mama got manje name for Izzah.. Baby Lion, Baby Bear, and Baby Kangoo.. mama loves heart you so much..
And hubby ... I love you too!! ;)