06 May 2009

She read my blog too :)

I know some of family members read my blog but the one I wasnt expected is my Usu Yam.. she is my fav Usu ever.. Ezwan always teasing me that I like to copy/follow of what Usu doing, always agree to her thought, but I always deny it. (psst she use BodyShop skincare too eheh ;p ) last night I called her and she was telling me that she read my blog and even talked about the grown up Baby Kangoo.. she was so excited seeing Izzah able to sit by herself.. she keeps saying that havent meet us for a long time as she was so surprised saw Izzah's latest pic.. ermm Usu have to read my tunggang-langgang grammar, the stories of my clumsiness.. my bubbling..After this I will read my entry post back before I click on the "Publish Post" button as currently readers have to tolerate (or buat2 paham) with my mispeslled word as Im not even justify it ( itu yang Ezwan slalu komplen regarding my typo error..)afterall, I feel honoured she read my blog..