Alhamdulillah discharged yesterday.. What a BIG phewwwwwww for both mama and abah.. Iffah and Ariff also free from any fever, flu, and cough.. Alhamdulillah.. now its time to get strict back to my kiddos.. ever since Ariff's athma and Izzah's bronchitis is not attack oftenly, we slowly gave them iced drink, get ice-cream regularly.. Now, both of us decided its time to do practice the routine back..
Alhamdulillah.. a million thanks for the company who pay the hospital bill.. Alhamdulillah.. went through a hard time in KPJ SMC for a 7d 6n.. whooshh.. haa speaking of the bill.. total bill is RM3K plus plus. but I had to pay for uncovered item RM13.85.. then I did some checking with the payment officer there and it was Facial Tissue (RM3.85) and Patient Knowledge (RM10) Facial tissue is just a toilet roll and Patient knowledge?? ape ni? the girl ask me was there any simple briefing or guidance on handling any medical equipment experience?? One thing I recapped was nurse told me how to turn on the neb gas.. xkan la nak bagi anak mkn ubat gune syringe pon nak kene ajar?? ok for that thing only.. it cost me RM 10.. frankly.. I paid with half hearted.. adoiii mama x bersyukur kee.. yang riban2 pon orang dah bayar.. xkan 13 hengget pon nak berkire.. and yess.. I will ask for the justification of any amount that I need to pay.. huishh tegas yeee.. nk kate knowledge is power.. x kene sungguh laaa.. I just feel macam weird saje.. If I can get any clear justification from anyone.. Insya Allah.. I will accept and redha..
thanks to Dr Hoe and ward 2A nurses for taking a good care of my Izzah.. and us as well.. thanks for your smile even have to change the bedsheet for 2-3 times a day due to food mess by Izzah.. thanks for your alolololo for Izzah everytime you guys entering the room, it was really release me for having an opportunity to provide a convenience facilities for my family.. thanks for your understanding whenever my kids accidentally push the emergency button, u guys just made some checking with calm and respond my apologize with kind smile, (some maybe made a 'klise' comment like.. private mmg laa camtue.. but I dont care you!!) we deserve it.. and in fact we are deserve to be treated nicely whenever we deal with any service provider right? from my point of view, its not a matter of going to private or government..