15 April 2008

Ariff at AZIM

Ariff has been warded for a night at AZIM last Friday. Actually dah berulang alik p Pusat Perubatan Bangi for 3 days straight to get nebulizer pagi n petang. On the third day, me n ezwan asked doc about our intention to get ariff to be admitted. it is for intensive treatment. so doc issued a reference letter to our preferred hospital then we straight away proceed to AZIM. Before that, i anta iffah n ariff p taska utk inform cikgu derang n utk disiapkan.. heh.. while me p office to inform my colleague..

went to meet Ariff's paed Dr Nik and she said Ariff need to get on nebulizer for every 3 hours. so, again kitoramng happy family dok kat hospital. ariff during nebulizer session at first 2-3 minutes he's okay then he started cranky and uuwwaaaaaa!!!! but he did not struggling. biler ptg DrNik reduce to every for hours until mlm. tgh2 mlm pon nurse akan get ariff on nebulizer. i x larat laa kalo nurse datang time pukul 2-3 pagi tuh. biase laa kitorang bertiga tido atas katil n abah tido kaT bawah. the best thing is kitorang sume dapat baju baru since ezwan malas nk balik umah amik baju sume... waaa bestnyer.. mlm tuh i p beli ngan my parent.

so, esok Dr Nik ckp ariff dah boleh discharge pasal the whizzing (camnie ke eja die??) sound dah clear. According to dr Nik ariff recovery is quite fast (one night stay only) because he able to makan ubat on time and habeskan every session of nebulizer. ubat yg ariff kene mkn sgt teruk ok. before tiap ubat yg anak2 i akan rase jugak utk buat expression kat derang yang ubat tuh wow sedapnyer!!!so ok lah tuh. bape lame nk dok hospital kan. Alhamdulillah ariff dah ok skang.

p/s: pic will be uploaded later.