08 April 2008

RedSponge and Iffah

Last night, while Iffah playing on her own in the next room suddenly she screamed and crawling out ... she covered her nose and tried to tell me "mama tolong iffah" automatically ezwan hugged her and me trying to check her nose but she keep on crying and screaming. i tried to see whats wrong inside by using torchlight but it was so hard because iffah was struggling to escape from tight hug. ya Allah nak buat camne nih... i dont even have idea whats going on.. is she insert something in her nose or maybe any insect .. oh no!!! ezwan washed her face and iffah keep on screaming + crying while im browsing my "kitab" ok? then iffah fall asleep and sometimes she woke up with cry.. im so worried ok..

next morning, she just like in a good condition. but i noticed that her nose keep running only at one side.. we went to clinic but nothing much that dr can do and referred us to ENT specialist. we preferred to go An-Nur since i know there was ENT specialist there plus iffah pon penah pegi paed kat sane and mmg bagus. so we went there but im so dissappointed with the registration counter staff. I showed her the reference letter and she straight away said that i have to wait for next saturday because the doc is not around. i can accept the fact but not the way shes telling me. than i said i dont think i can wait for that long because my daughter need to be treated immediately. even iffah can act normally , she still can playing with ariff, singing with me, do mr bean dancing but this is emergency ok? then she recommend another day for appoinment, how about monday?? ok aku sudah panas ok?? but im still control and cakap xper la tggu my husband kejap die tgh carik parking.

then ezwan masuk n bile i explained pasal bende nih then kitorang decide utk try pegi jumpe paed kat seblah utk mintak advise camne. again .. at registration counter ... they said that nothing that they can do since ther reference letter stated that we have to consult to ENT specialist.. yezzaa.. again.. i cannotaccept the way shes telling me like mcm aku x pegi sekolah ok? then i asked for recommendation where we have to go? emergency room or anywhere else? aku plak mmg dah start panik sbb ngan hidung iffah x abes2 berair ... mate merah lagi... mmg dah panas nih.... then ade sorang nurse yg senior sket entertain kitorang nicely... she also recommended me another ENT specialist yg ade jugak connection ngan An-Nur. Alhamdulillah.. lega sket.. time tuh mmg rase x blay pk ok? ngan tgh panas camtue..

we headed to Dr Zul. he was very relax, approachable, and goood. he examined iffah and taraa.. he noticed ade bende merah and pull it out... nak tau x ape???? iffah masukkan red sponge kat dalam hidung die... besa ok utk masuk kat lubang hidung die yg comel tuh??? anak... anak... according to him kalo biarkan akan jadik bernanah n berbau...

again... im not blaming An-Nur for not having ENT specialist when the time i needed but i only regretted how we were been treated.