04 April 2008

Doc's Story

Spotted bleeding after lunch yesterday.. at first i am ok.. sempat pulak lagi bace article yg i save about placenta praevia. it stated there that i have to straight away goes to the nearest emergency room if ANY bleeding during second or third trimester.. so i just inform to my senior that im out to hospital..

when i entered car and about to start drive then i suddenly became weak and shivered.can u imagine that. i thought that i am okay but its not. im crying.. and crying.. theni called ezwan and he was shocked heard of my sobbing plus crying voice.. then he asked me to wait for him and he will come over with his friends.. to tell you its not because of pain but i dont know maybe im scared.. i called my friend and she accompanied meuntil ezwan came.. while waiting for ezwan kitorang sempat bergosip2.. ape nih marina..memule mmg la takut tp biler dah ade org teman ckp2 then i calm down and relax...

we went to Az-Zahrah and met Dr Fazlina Hanum.. i explained my condition.. the bleeding,placenta praevia, my previous pregnancy, delivery history as well.. n she said ok xper..now let me check first the placenta position.. the baby quite active berpusing2 ... heh my precious.. the baby quite low lying just nearly beside vagina but u know what one thing that made me suprise that Dr Fazlina said the placenta position is OK... OK okay?? Alhamdulillahthen Dr Fazlina said she want to check the bottom area.. Oh NO!!!! i expected this procedure buttolong lah.. im kind of org yang penakut.. xde pape pon nk takut.. i even didnt do pap smear becauseof that unacceptale rreason... come on laaa.. its for your own good ok? i revealed that i didnt doany pap smear test YET!! Marina.. its quite late ok? ezwan tgk jer bini die yg stubborn n suke penakutyang x tentu pasal nih.. apo laaa...

she showed me the equipment that gonna be used to examine my bottom part.. erghh!!! it is plastic material..i think she wants me to clear up my mind and relax for the process.. she apply cream at that thing and tada....at first im really stress and made my body keras... but with her gentle touch i became relax and more relax.. and iyer laaaa x saket pon pap smear punyer procedure!!! she said most people complained it was uncomfortableand some of them said it was painful.. but for me.. its ok.. no pain at all as long as u relax and spread ur leg widely... ahahahahahahha... mmg ade la bleeding sket dari rahim.. memule doc suspect kalo2 pintu rahim terbukak ke hape.. but Alhamdulillah everything is fine.. n urine test showed that i got kencing kotor.. mmg saket ok kat bawah perut.. sengal2.. berdenyut2.. :). pinggang pon saket sume..

back to the contradict information i get. i dont want to be prejudice but what do u expect when u go check to normaldoctor compared to O&G? another thing during first and second trimester the placenta and baby position is not static yet.But.. me and ezwan agreed to do monthly checkup at Az-Zahrah starting from next month.. heh... i am trying not to simply blame for the bad things happen to me... sometimes we have to tolerate with something i called accidentally being in uncertain time of things or someone ... i think we have to... maybe our tolerate and consideration at that time will get a good return from Allah.. believe that everything happen for a reason ..insya Allah