Last nite, ariff playing with my stuff in handbag. He took out my purse (yess.. my purse yang hilang kat melake hari tuh.... :)) and maen sume bende2 kat dalam tuh ... ATM card, credit card sume.. i told him to place it bag inside.. but he ignored that time i was had a little rest after battling around with house works washing clothes (pakai w.machine jer pon heheh...), melipat kaen, sidai kaen.. sgt penat okie dokie.. sigh.. waaa bile blay dpt org nk buat keje2 nih...
ariff still playing with my stuff.. hen i asked iffah to take it from ariff n place it back ... eleh2 iffah kekonon time tu die x buat salah so die pon amek le dari ariff... ariff refused to let it go... he screamed so loud ok?? iffah managed to get the things in his hand and put it in my handbag... n ariff.... started to cry.. ok after this the best event took place.... while ariff crying sadly.. sgts edey ok muke die.. dgn air mate yg berjurai2... pandang kat sofa jer.. x nak langsung pandang muke i ke sape2 die keep on crying.. tibe2 iffah dok kt blkg ariff and...
"Aweef.... kakak ade... kakak ade...." sambil tepuk2 kat dade die... waaa sgt touching ok.. me and ezwan just smile yang terharu.. eheh.. ariff plak biase la die.. die kan manje sket.. so ... i took him on my lap n asked him to sorry me... after 4-5 times.. then ariff pon hulur tangan nk salam.. n i pon peluk le die.. lps tuh abah plak peluk die... baby bear plak??? mase abah peluk ariff kakak pulak laaa kene peluk ngan mama.. kiter peluk2 n kite sayang2 ok??
hey anak2.. kekadang kiter yg tensen2 penat.. x sedar yang perangai derang tuh sbenayer nk tarik perhatian kiter.. bkn x sedar tp kekadang ter lupe n pikirkan penat kite plak... n tuh yang hilang saba tuh... sorry ek baby lion and baby bear.. kekekadang mama lost temper jugak....